In addition to portraits and realistic scenes, I recently started painting meaningful Judaic art that is both abstract and modern, yet realistic at the same time.
Using abstract realism allows my paintings to capture a unique blend of sweeping emotion, movement and life without sacrificing on the rich beauty of traditional Jewish art.
Creating artwork is like preparing a meal. Each flavor must be carefully balanced and complemented. I try and ensure that in each piece of work I create, I find the perfect harmony of colors and strokes, contrasts and textures, so that a painting is not just a picture, but rather, a story or a song.
Bring a ray of joy, a part of history, a piece of the Holy Land into your home.
As it sits stationary on the wall, art emits an aura, a sense of something deeper, building a new dimension in a home. I hope to create pieces that not only fit with the colors and tastes of the room, but art that speaks to peoples hearts, brings something harmonious into their homes, art that can walk them through the waves.